The Tournament of Opportunities
Wells filled with Gogs, Sardines and Speedos we made our trek north to Jupiter once again. Lines in at 7:30 had us in one of the most EPIC King bites we’ve seen to date. We put four weighers in the boat in the first 10 minutes of the tournament. A few drifts later we upgraded every fish and got sharked on one over 40lbs. I decided with 90+lbs of Kings (4 fish Max) to make one more drift. That last drift only yielded one King in the teens, but we had the fish we needed. Hooked up to a Stud Cobia that didn’t stay glued. Heart breaker to say the least. We are done in Jupiter so I push offshore in hopes to spot a frigate bird or debris during the 40+ mile run back to the South. There was nothing but scattered weed so I made the decision to set up off San Remo where I’ve been catching tunas all week prior on charters. First drift we put a 20lber in the boat. Awesome!!!! We need 3 more and we can seal the deal…. Unfortunately, from here on out the last few hours of the tournament was nothing but Sailfish and Bonitas. We couldn’t find another Blackfin Tuna and ended up weighing 113Lbs for a 9th place finish. Not bad, but certainly not what we were looking for. On to the next and in the meantime let’s go get Tight as the fish are still here and biting!