Mahi May-dness

Dolphin Fishing
May Charter Fishing

Mahis have been abundant on the reefs when the wind blows east. Clients have been boating Mahis up to 30lbs, Blackfin Tuna to 30lbs and Kings to the mid 40’s. Sailfish have been hit or miss. We fished two tournaments the past two weekends and did very well in the first taking home 3rd overall, Top Mahi, Top Wahoo and finished with a KDW. The Saltwater Slam had us running in three separate area codes to try and find the bite. Unfortunately, we only caught a few tunas and a couple Kings that put us in a measly 28th place out of 105 boats. On to the next! The winds will consistently be out of the East for the next week so let’s get out and get tight!